Important Things for students as well as teenagers.

Important Things for students as well as teenagers:-

Today’s  time we all of know  that our young  generation spend the most of time with their mobile and computer system like playing games and watching videos at home . It not good for teenager because it’s time is important for children to do playing and enjoying means totally free of time enjoyment it such a lovely time grow up for children we see in our daily life 10-12 years old children playing games in mobile but in the case they don’t know about  if they using mobile continuously  .
This game become dangers disease for us. In TV this type of news spread day by day. So I requested to parents only limited time allow for their children for using mobile. It is not for teenager as well as youngster using mobile like visit website face book,  whatsapp ,instagram, etc. they lost of time as well as energy mobile use for limited time 1-2hour a whole day. If time spent the time playing games like cricket, football, etc.
If you spend time for learn  a thinks it’s not waste of time..

Thanks for the time to read it..


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