
Python Snake Game With Source code

  Python Snake Game Source code import pygame pygame.init() import random import time import sys #Colors-- Blue=(9,14,217) White=(255,255,255) Black=(0,0,0) Green=(0,200,0) Light_Green=(0,255,0) Purple=(201,29,201) Yellow=(255,255,0) Red=(255,0,0) #Setup Screen-- wn=pygame.display.set_mode((820,440)) pygame.display.set_caption('SNAKE_GAME') clock=pygame.time.Clock() #Function For Length oF Snake-- #snk_list=[snk_x,snk_y] contain-- def plot_snk(wn,color,snk_list,snk_length,snk_breadth): for x,y in snk_list: # To join more rectangle with initial head's snake- pygame.draw.rect(wn,color,[x,y,snk_length,snk_breadth]) #Draw Rectangle #To Print Text In Screen- Font1=pygame.font.SysFont('italics',59) def text_screen1(text,color,x,y): text_screen=Font1.render(text,True,color) wn.blit(text_screen,[x,y]) #For Highscore_text-- Font2=pygame.font.SysFont(0,42) def text_screen2(text,color,x,y): text_screen=Font2.render(text,True,color) wn.blit(t...

Building a Python Music Player

 Music Player Source Code | Python | dragcoder Music_Player--- from tkinter import * from PIL import Image,ImageTk import os import time import tkinter.messagebox from tkinter import filedialog from pygame import mixer from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 #for song length,#pip install mutagen mixer.init() class musicplayer:     def __init__(self,Tk):         self.root=Tk         Title--         self.root.title('Music_Player')                 Width and Height--         self.root.geometry('700x400')                 resizable window off--         self.root.resizable(0,0)         Backgroundcolor--      ...


Making CAR GAME Using PYTHON Pygame: drag_coder Source Code here: ------------------------------Source Code ------------------ import pygame pygame.init() import random import math import time -------setup the screen---- wn=pygame.display.set_mode((798,600)) pygame.display.set_caption('Crazy Car Game') logo=pygame.image.load('car.png') pygame.display.set_icon(logo) bg=pygame.image.load('bg.png') -------variable----- counttime=3 fps=100 clock=pygame.time.Clock() over=pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',42) countdown=pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',42) ----font of text---- font_crash=pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',72) crash_x=270 crash_y=300 score --- score_value=0 font=pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',32) Background music---- Adding main car---- car=pygame.image.load('car.png') Adding car1----  car1=pygame.image.load('car1.jpeg') Adding car1----    car2=pygame.image.l...

Important Things for students as well as teenagers.

Important Things for students as well as teenagers:- Today’s  time we all of know   that our young   generation spend the most of time with their mobile and computer system like playing games and watching videos at home . It not good for teenager because it’s time is important for children to do playing and enjoying means totally free of time enjoyment it such a lovely time grow up for children we see in our daily life 10-12 years old children playing games in mobile but in the case they don’t know about   if they using mobile continuously  . This game become dangers disease for us. In TV this type of news spread day by day. So I requested to parents only limited time allow for their children for using mobile. It is not for teenager as well as youngster using mobile like visit website face book,  whatsapp ,instagram, etc. they lost of time as well as energy mobile use for limited time 1-2hour a whole day. If time spent the time playing games lik...

license is not to kill to anybody

       For   Driving Lovers I n today’s time driving become popular day by day. Most of the people have license to drive a car. But government only allow for  above 18 years old. Today’s generation wants to learn everything more quickly. Most of the people below 18 years old and have no license but drive a car for show off their friends and they are drive rashly. It is not for teenagers it as well as youngster drive very fast and due to the overtake accident increase day by day. It is the danger It is responsibility of their parents and what the child is doing. If we are hit any vehicle and think that a have license so I can do anything in this case. but it is not own right to kill anybody.. Thanks for give time to read it...

Increase your Computer speed with only few steps:

Increase your Computer speed with only few steps: 1 . Open your computer’s system properties 2.   Click on advanced system settings 3. Click on advanced settings… 4.   Select to Adjust for best performance  5. Click Apply and  OK                                                                                   Thankyousomuch..............


           THE DEMONS OF ENTRANCE EXAM   After finishing with their schooling most of the  students chose to go in for one course or the other. but due to the grade or marks they got in their final plus two exams. they have to appear for a test. But there is no proper institution to hold this test for any course. These tests are hold by boards’institutions and organization by depending on each other.They have their own syllabus examination system marking system they change very heavy amount as the cost forms and examination fees. All those have lot of stress and mental pain on poor students. They have also to travel long distance from their homes to take the various tests for the same course.They make their own arrangement for board and in the case of girl their parents have to go with them. All this amounts to wastage of time, energy and money.Thus there is an urgent need That a single common examination should be held for each profes...